Writer’s block is arguably the most frustrating challenge for any author, journalist, or scholar, regardless of the type of content you are writing. When you are experiencing writer’s block, you may feel like you’ll never create quality content again, but there are tricks you can use to move past this. Here are some of the best methods for overcoming writer’s block, and how you can use them in your own creative process.


Eliminate distractions in your environment.

It will be incredibly difficult for you to focus if there are things going on in your environment that are taking your mind off your writing, so one of the best ways to mitigate writers block is to analyze the space around you and get rid of any distractions. That means turning off your phone and closing other tabs on your computer, as well as making sure you’re not around people who are trying to talk to you. The distractions that everyone struggles with are very personal, so you will need to decide what’s most problematic for you and how to eliminate it.


Write early in the morning when your mind is fresh.

When you first wake up in the morning, your mind is empty and you haven’t yet been bogged down by the events and stressors of the day. This means it is a perfect time to write. If you are used to writing later in the day, try changing your schedule so that you can write first thing in the morning when you get up. You will likely find that your creative juices flow faster and more effectively at the beginning of the day.


Take a break to exercise, then come back to it.

Many people underestimate the positive benefits that exercise can have on their mental health and productivity. If you find that you keep hitting a wall when writing, take a break to do a form of exercise you enjoy. This could be anything from going for a walk to a session at the gym to playing a sports game with friends. Moving your body releases stress and boosts the levels of relaxing chemicals in your brain, which will help you focus more clearly when you get back to writing.


Regularly change your writing environment.

If you always write in the same place, consider changing your environment to get your mind flowing again. There are many different places that make great writing spots, and often the change of scenery will provide new inspiration. For example, if you normally write out at a coffee shop, try staying at home for a day in a spot that you feel particularly cozy in. If you normally stay in, pick a cafe or a library that intrigues you and write there. You may even want to try writing outside – natural beauty can be incredibly relaxing and inspiring.


Switch from paper to word processor or vice versa.

Most writers have a strict preference when it comes to writing – they either enjoy pen and paper or writing on a computer, and they usually don’t switch back and forth. Although you’ll usually have to type up your writing eventually to get it published, sometimes it helps to use an old-school pen and paper. Writing with a pen takes more time, so it gives you more space to really process through everything you are saying. Alternatively, if you normally write with a pen, writing on the computer can give you more freedom, because you can write faster, and you have the internet available for research as needed.


Free write with no restrictions.

One of the best ways to break out of a writing rut is to free write. When you free write, let your mind wander, and jot down whatever comes to mind. Don’t give yourself any restrictions, and don’t judge whatever comes out – just let it be and let it lead you towards what you really want to write about. You can even free write in bullet points if it helps you organize your ideas better. You can also try free associating when you write, which is where you start with a simple concept and then start writing about the first thing that comes to mind when you think about it. You can even free associate multiple times to really explore the ideas in your mind in a relaxed, unstructured way. When you’re done with a free writing session, you may find you have new inspiration that will lead you to the next step of your project.


Read something that inspires you.

Most writers were inspired to do what they do by reading at some point or another, so one of the best ways to get going again if you are truly stuck is by reading a piece that you really love. This could be anything – your favorite novel from childhood, a chapter from your current favorite book, or an article from your favorite magazine. Seeing how other authors write and use prose can give you new ideas to use in your own writing, or even just remind you of what got you started in the first place.


Eat or drink something.

This one may sound a bit silly, but often when we come up against writer’s block, it’s because we’ve been focusing on one task for too long and have been neglecting our physical needs. Take a break to eat or drink something, even if you don’t think you’re hungry. Even if it’s just a glass of water, it’s an easy way to hit the ‘refresh button’ on your brain and start over again. Keeping small, healthy snacks around when you’re writing always ensures you’ll have something quick to eat when you get stuck as well.


Talk to someone whose company you enjoy.

Socialization is one of the best ways to boost your creativity and get new ideas. If you feel stuck in your writing, try talking to a friend or family member who you are close with. Socializing can help get you out of your head, so to speak, and help you relax and come up with new ideas in a natural way. You can opt to talk about your writing ideas and get feedback, or you can take a break from writing and just chat about something else. Both options are very helpful for overcoming writer’s block.


Do another creative activity, like doodling or playing music.

If writing isn’t coming naturally to you, try taking a break to engage in another creative activity you enjoy. There are so many ways to be creative, and whatever you choose can provide you with inspiration that you can later apply to your writing. Expressing your thoughts and feelings in another medium can make it much easier to translate them on paper. Some creative activities to try include doodling, coloring, sketching, calligraphy, playing music, dancing, cooking, painting, jewelry making, or sewing. The sky is the limit when it comes to creativity, and these are just a few activities to get you started. Don’t hesitate to try something new either – sometimes branching out into a new activity can provide you with invaluable inspiration. If you have been struggling with consistent writer’s block, you might even consider taking a class in another creative medium to give yourself another outlet.


Write down your dreams in the morning.

Dreams can make for incredible creative triggers, so if you are running low on writing ideas, why not try writing them down to give you a place to start? We’ve already mentioned that your brain is at its freshest when you first wake up, so writing down your dreams first thing in the morning is a good way to kickstart your writing day. Keep a notebook by your bed to make this an easy habit to start. If you like, you can even try looking up dream interpretations to give you more ideas. Not only is dream analysis a great way to get ideas and concepts for your writing, but it can also help you understand yourself better, which in turn can help you clear your head and make for an easier writing process.


Look up writing prompts online to get you started.

The internet makes it easy to connect with other writers and creatives, and there are so many resources out there in this community that can help you beat writer’s block. One trick to try is looking up writing prompts online. A simple web search can lead you to hundreds of writing prompts that will get you started. You can also try reading other people’s responses to the writing prompts to jog your own ideas and get started with your writing for the day.


Decide what your intent is, and stick to it.

In many cases, when writers feel stuck in their process, it is because they aren’t sure what their intentions are when it comes to the final piece. You may not even know what you want to write about, but if you don’t have a broad idea for the intention of the work, it makes it very difficult to get started. Create a mission statement for yourself, and keep it in mind while you work. You can even physically write it out and keep it somewhere where you can see it. For example, you might decide that your mission is to write a memoir that reflects a particular experience in your life in an honest and meaningful way. Another example of a mission statement would be to create content that entertains the reader and gives them something to relate to. A good statement is broad and leaves plenty of room for creativity, but reminds you of what your ultimate goal is and helps you stay motivated.


Explore a new place.

Traveling is one of the best ways to get inspiration for your work, and there are so many ways to travel and have new experiences that you can draw from. You can opt to go halfway around the world, but you can also opt to visit a new city or state that’s just a quick flight or drive away. You can even go visit a relative or friend that lives in a different city than you. Can’t afford to truly get away? Try taking a day trip within your immediate area, or even just exploring a new part of your city. Be sure to bring your camera as well as somewhere you can jot down ideas. Don’t pressure yourself to write while you’re traveling – instead, just let yourself have new experiences and be truly in the moment. Chances are, you will come away with some nice memories in addition to inspiration for great writing.


Don’t worry about what readers will think.

It’s very easy to get caught up in what people might think about your work, but this is incredibly detrimental to your progress in so many ways. Writing for other people can be very inauthentic, and it can also make it difficult for you to progress and experiment with new writing techniques or ideas. Instead of getting stuck in what other people might think about your writing, just write purely for yourself. If you enjoy your writing, that’s what’s important for now, and then later you can work with an editor to clean things up. Ultimately, you’re still the most important person to please when it comes to creating great writing.

Writer’s block happens to even the most prolific authors, so if it is something you are experiencing, don’t beat yourself up about it. Stay positive and know that even though it’s frustrating right now, you will move past it and get back to writing before you know it. The best way to move past writer’s block is to simply try a new strategy, so pick one of the ones discussed here and just get started. It may feel strange at first, but with an open mind and some new strategies in your back pocket, you will be able to overcome writer’s block.